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The Practice in Japan: Insights into gold standard HCC surveillance and management

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HCC monitoring and surveillance update – the limbic

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Patient-centric and ecosystem insights into hepatocellular carcinoma across Asia-Pacific – LEAP

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In this white paper, insights on the liver ecosystem are uncovered, with the intention of facilitating action among various stakeholders to reduce liver cancer incidence and mortality in APAC. Read the whitepaper to find out more about the various active initiatives and recommendations for next steps. …

Advancing Liver Health Ecosystem for Improve Patient Outcomes: A Hong Kong Perspective

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In this interview with Prof Yuen, Chief of Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the University of Hong Kong, explore Hong Kong’s current liver health ecosystem, some of the challenges in liver screening, and Prof Yuen’s hopes for the future of liver health in Hong Kong. …

Building modern hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance programmes: taking steps to address a leading cause of liver cancer death in Asia


In this whitepaper, HCC surveillance programs in Asia were analysed. The learnings from well established HCC surveillance programs, as well as the challenges in areas that have not implemented such programs have highlighted 7 priorities for implementing an HCC surveillance program….

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Clinical Value