Recent Articles
HKASLD Consensus Recommendations: PIVKA-II for the surveillance and monitoring of HCC in Hong Kong
AOGIN Releases 2024 Position Statement for Cervical Cancer Screening
Empowering Precision Oncology: Leveraging digital solutions to facilitate molecular tumour board meetings and patient care management
Pioneering Innovations in HCC Detection for Enhance Patient Outcomes – Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Strategic Efficiencies: Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness of Biomarker-Based HCC Surveillance
A Bold Stride Forward for Liver Health: Thailand’s Nationwide HBV Screening and EZ Liver Clinic
No woman left behind: Increasing access to testing for cervical cancer elimination
Advancing women’s health: Project Teal drives cervical cancer screening in Hong Kong
Turning the Tide Against Hep B and HCC: Insights from New Zealand’s National Screening and Surveillance Program
The Pursuit for Better Patient Outcomes – Innovating HCC Management at Siriraj Hospital
Value and Challenges for Precision Oncology Realisation in Real World Practice
In this interview, Prof Chiu discusses the value of NGS testing to identify lung cancer driver mutations to detect and treat lung cancer early. He also…
READ MOREAdvancing Liver Health Ecosystem for Improve Patient Outcomes: A Hong Kong Perspective
In this interview with Prof Yuen, Chief of Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the University of Hong Kong, explore Hong Kong's current liver health ecosystem,…
READ MORENGS and precision oncology in Australia: insights from Profs Peter Gibbs and Svetlana Cherepanoff
In this article, Prof Peter Gibbs and Prof Svetlana Cherepanoff discuss the issues surrounding the clinical integration of NGS in Australia.
READ MORENGS and precision oncology in Taiwan: insights from Dr Jan-Gowth Chang and Dr Jason CH Hsieh
NGS and digital applications for oncology management can help improve early cancer detection and prevention, reducing human and economic costs of the cancer. In this article,…
READ MORENGS and precision oncology in India: insights from Dr Amit Rauthan
In this article, Dr Amit Rauthan shares insights on the challenges and opportunities for greater NGS adoption in India.
READ MORELeading the Way for HCC Surveillance and Diagnosis: Prof. Henry LY Chan
In this video, Prof Henry LY Chan, Deputy Chief Manager at Union Hospital Hong Kong, discusses how PIVKA-II can complement AFP and Ultrasound in assisting clinicians…
READ MORENGS and precision oncology in Hong Kong: insights from Dr Lam Tai-Chung
In this article, Dr Lam Tai-Chung shares how his institution has had first-hand experience of landmark cases and outstanding treatment responses from using NGS in seemingly…
READ MORENext-generation sequencing (NGS) drives precision oncology in Singapore
In this article, Dr David Tan discusses the potential of NGS in Singapore, where the adoption of this technology is only just beginning to take root.
READ MORENGS and precision oncology in South Korea: insights from Prof Kim Jee-Hyun
In this article, Prof Jee Hyun Kim explains her clinical experiences of NGS, and how she sees it evolving within South Korea’s innovative healthcare ecosystem.
READ MOREBreaking barriers to precision oncology implementation with digital solutions
While precision oncology has shown great promise, there are still barriers to its implementation, such as data fragmentation, staff shortages and time, funding, and lack of…
READ MOREHepatocellular carcinoma surveillance and the emerging role of biomarker-based models
A/Prof Simone Strasser recently published an independent commentary in the Australian Medical Research and Journal "Research Review", covering at length topics such as non-alcoholic liver disease…
READ MOREPIVKA-II: Confidence in HCC surveillance and diagnosis: Prof. Ming-Lung Yu
In this video, Prof Ming-Lung Yu, Chair Professor of Hepatology at Kaohsiung University Medical Hospital, discusses how PIVKA-II can complement AFP and Ultrasound in assisting clinicians…
READ MORELeading the Way for HCC Surveillance and Diagnosis: Dr Bao Toan Nguyen
In this video, Dr Bao Toan Nguyen from MEDIC-LAB Ho Chi Minh discusses how PIVKA-II can complement AFP in assisting clinicians in the early detection and…
READ MORELiver Disease in Asia Pacific: Insights from Prof Pierce Chow
In this Q&A, Prof Pierce Chow of the National Cancer Centre Singapore discusses the epidemiology of liver disease in Asia Pacific; key considerations around the clinical…
READ MORELiver Disease and Patient Advocacy in Taiwan: Q&A with Prof Yang Pei-Ming
Liver disease is a serious public health issue in Taiwan. The Liver Disease Prevention and Treatment Research Foundation, Taiwan, is one of Asia’s most active and…
READ MORELiver Cancer in Japan: Dr Shun Kaneko on HCC Screening and Surveillance
Japan is a global leader in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) surveillance, with an effective programme that enables early-stage carcinomas detection. Yet unmet needs continue to affect the…
READ MOREHCC in Thailand: Dr Terachai Songkiatkawin on Improving Liver Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment
More than 27,000 patients in Thailand are found to have liver cancer each year, making it the most-frequently diagnosed cancer in the country. With emerging risk…
READ MORETackling HCV in Punjab: local experts share strategies for success
Punjab is one of Pakistan’s largest provinces and has a particularly high HCV prevalence rate of roughly 9%, compared to 5.4% for Pakistan’s total population. Hear…
READ MOREStrengthening healthcare systems through the critical role of diagnostics
In line with the WHO Essential Diagnostics List (EDL) and Lancet Commission efforts, the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association and its members recently came together to…
READ MOREPakistan’s national HCV elimination programme: insights from Dr Huma Qureshi
In 2019, Pakistan announced a nationwide programme to scale up HCV prevention, testing and treatment. Hear from gastroenterologist Dr Huma Qureshi, a key figure in Pakistan’s…
READ MOREHepatitis C: the patient journey from screening to diagnosis and treatment
An estimated 71 million people around the world are chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), with a large proportion currently being undiagnosed or diagnosed late.…
READ MOREHCV screening in Egypt: key elements of a successful national screening programme
In 2018, the world’s largest HCV screening campaign was initiated in Egypt. Within 7 months following its initiation, 49.5 million people were screened; and 2.2 million…
READ MOREHCV elimination in Sindh: insights from Prof Muhammad Sadik Memon and Dr Zaigham Abbas
The province of Sindh has one of the world’s highest rates of HCV infection and bears the second highest disease burden of both HBV and HCV…
READ MOREHCV elimination in Pakistan: insights from Dr Zaigham Abbas
Pakistan has one of the world’s highest rates of HCV infection. Learn from Dr Zaigham Abbas, Head of Gastroenterology at Ziauddin University Hospital and President of…
READ MOREHCV elimination in Northern Pakistan: Prof Aamir Khan on treating patients in KPK province and the Afghan borderlands
Pakistan has one of the world’s highest rates of HCV infection. It's no surprise that their healthcare systems face mounting pressure from HCV-related conditions. Learn from…
READ MOREFuture therapies for chronic Hepatitis B and the role of diagnostics
Hepatitis B is an important infectious disease problem in the APAC region. Learn from Prof Henry Chan, director of the Center for Liver Health at Chinese…