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NGS and precision oncology in South Korea: insights from Prof Kim Jee-Hyun

Headshot of Prof Kim Jee-Hyun

In this article, Prof Jee Hyun Kim explains her clinical experiences of NGS, and how she sees it evolving within South Korea’s innovative healthcare ecosystem….

Breaking barriers to precision oncology implementation with digital solutions

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While precision oncology has shown great promise, there are still barriers to its implementation, such as data fragmentation, staff shortages and time, funding, and lack of standardization. The use of efficient, easy-to-use, and integrated digital solutions can potentially move the needle in the adoption of precision oncology. In this article based on interviews with several precision oncology key opinion leaders, the current landscape, barriers to implementation, and digital solutions in precision oncology are explored….

Unlocking the Value of Quality Next-Generation Sequencing in APAC

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This whitepaper shares recommendations on ensuring standardization and quality of NGS across the region, to realize the potential of NGS and establish more effective and market-appropriate national policy strategies….

Recommendations for the Use of Next-Generation Sequencing and the Molecular Tumor Board for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Report from KSMO and KCSG Precision Medicine Networking Group


These recommendations provide a critical guidance from NGS panel testing to final treatment decision based on MTB discussion….

APACMed White Paper – Strengthening Healthcare Systems Through the Critical Role of Diagnostics

APACMed White Paper Strengthening Healthcare Systems Through the Critical Role of Diagnostics

Diagnostic technologies are used across the entire patient journey of multiple disease states, and provide the tools to prevent, detect, and monitor the required interventions. Despite its important role, diagnostics have been historically under prioritized. Read how APACMed seeks to improve the value recognition of diagnostic solutions.
Hardesty CL, Sarno R, Pelou C, Teng G, Aslam B, Bourcet A, Nair AKR, Wang J, Lina Y, Wearne D, Panth A, Rua C, Ho R, Kumar SA, Freitas E, Charafi N, Tan V, Chen JS, Veigas V, Teo P…