National Comprehensive Cancer Network NSCLC and SCLC guideline recommendations for cancer care decision-making
Quick Summary

The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) document evidence-based, consensus-driven management to ensure that all patients receive preventive, diagnostic, treatment, and supportive services that are most likely to lead to optimal outcomes.
The NCCN Guidelines are a comprehensive set of guidelines detailing the sequential management decisions and interventions to assist in the decision-making process of individuals involved in cancer care (including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, payers, patients and their families), with the ultimate goal of improving patient care and outcomes.
The NCCN Guidelines provide recommendations based on the best evidence available at the time they are derived, and are continuously updated and revised to reflect new data and clinical information that may add to or alter current clinical practice standards.
Read the latest NCCN lung cancer guidelines below: