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HCC Resources for Patients and Their Families

Resources for patients and their families

Cancer Council Australia Logo

Understanding Liver Cancer: A guide for people with cancer, their families, and friends.
This booklet has been produced by the Cancer Council to help you understand more about primary liver cancer (HCC).

Cancer Council NSW also has videos explaining more about liver cancer.

Liver Foundation Australia Logo

Read more about Liver Cancer – HCC on the Liver Foundation site.

Health Direct Logo

healthdirect has an article explaining the different types of liver cancers.

Resources for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

OurMobandCancer Logo

Our Mob and Cancer has a page on Liver cancer. The site is “created by our mob, for our mob, in collaboration with Cancer Australia”.

Resources for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

cancer council NSW logo

Cancer Council NSW hosts videos about liver cancer in both Chinese 关于肝癌 and Vietnamese Về bệnh ung thư gan.


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